City National Arena has made the switch to electronic waivers and require ALL skating participants to have one filled out before getting on the ice. To avoid any additional wait times, the waiver is available online. ALL MINORS will need to have a waiver signed by a parent. Each skater will need to check in at the front desk to receive a hand stamp to signify which skate they are participating in, and the stamps can be checked by any skate guard or arena staff at any time.
Skate rentals are $3.00 per person and can now be pre-purchased when you sign up online for Open Skate!
Please make sure to sign up for "Open Skate", NOT "Freestyle". Freestyle sessions are for skaters advancing out our of Learn to Skate program accompanied by a coach. This session is also for skaters that can do a toe loop jump with no need of a coach. Individuals can also take a power skating lesson or work on hockey skills but MUST have a coach present. Freestyle sessions are defined further on our Figure Skating page here.
Due to COVID-19, there a few new rules and regulations for Open Skate. Please read the below information carefully.
Please contact Guest Services at (702) 902-4904 for any questions or concerns.
When opening up the Calendar, you will see the names "Summerlin Hospital Rink A" and "Ghost Energy Rink B". Summerlin Hospital and Ghost Energy Sponsor our rinks, meaning that is the name of each rink.
When you see "Ghost Energy Rink B" with a corresponding time underneath, that means that we have public skate during that time on that rink. That does not mean Ghost Energy has it rented out. The same goes for Summerlin Hospital Rink A.
EXAMPLE: Ghost Energy Rink B
This means we have public skate on Rink B from 10:30AM-11:30AM. Please call Guest Services at (702) 902-4904 for any questions.
Dress appropriately! The rink is cold, a heavy coat or jacket is encouraged. Helmets are recommended for all skaters; any certified safety helmet qualifies. We do offer helmets to rent with an ID at the Skate Rental counter. Gloves are STRONGLY encouraged for all skaters. Not only will gloves keep your hands warm, but they can also provide a level of protection for your skin if you fall on the ice. Long pants and one pair of socks that come above the ankle are also encouraged.
The annual pass is valid for 365 days from date of purchase. The purchased pass is valid for the registrant only, no guests or family members.
All purchases are final and non-refundable.